Running Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container

In order to run Kiwi TCMS as a production instance you will need Docker and docker-compose or equivalent tooling. Refer to their documentation about download and installation options.

Start with Docker compose

For Kiwi TCMS Community Edition start by copying our docker-compose.yml file and make sure that all other files referenced inside of it are available on your local filesystem!

For Kiwi TCMS Enterprise start by copying the docker-compose.testing file from the kiwitcms/enterprise git repository!


We recommend using the above files only as an example to create your own. This is what controls your Kiwi TCMS installation. It is best to keep your own copy under version control too!

Then you can start Kiwi TCMS by executing:

cd path/to/your-docker-compose-git-repo/
docker compose up -d

The above command will create two containers:

  1. A web container based on the latest Kiwi TCMS image

  2. A DB container based on the official MariaDB image for Kiwi TCMS Community Edition or a DB container based on the official PostgreSQL image for Kiwi TCMS Enterprise. See for a list of differences.

docker compose will also create two volumes for persistent data storage: kiwi_db_data and kiwi_uploads.


Kiwi TCMS container will bind to all network addresses on the system. To use it across the organization simply distribute the FQDN of the system running the Docker container to all associates.


For Kiwi TCMS Enterprise the only way to serve the application is via a FQDN. Using IP addresses will not work! See for more information about DNS configuration for Kiwi TCMS Enterprise.


Database connection credentials can also be configured via Docker Secrets. Alternatively you may commit or mount arbitrary text files inside the container. In both cases you have to configure the absolute path to the file containing the actual value as an environment variable inside the running container. See docker-compose.with-secrets for reference!

For example:

  • KIWI_DB_PASSWORD: kiwi - Password will be “kiwi”, specified as plain text

  • KIWI_DB_PASSWORD: /run/secret/db_password - Password will be read from the file /run/secret/db_password. Docker Secrets must be configured accordingly

  • KIWI_DB_PASSWORD: /Kiwi/config/db_password.txt - Password will be read from the file /Kiwi/config/db_password.txt. This file needs to be present inside the container: either burned into the container image or mounted via external volume


When an absolute path has been specified the file will be opened in text mode; UTF-8 encoding; Trailing newlines and/or white space will be stripped!


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise additionally supports database configuration via the DATABASE_URL environment variable, see example. If specified this configuration is applied after parsing of KIWI_DB_* variables and will override them! Don’t use DATABASE_URL and KIWI_DB_* environment variables together!

Added in version 11.4.


Kiwi TCMS does not provide versioned docker images via Docker Hub, see for more information!

Initial configuration of running container

You need to use the following command line tool to perform interactive initial configuration of a new Kiwi TCMS installation before accessing the application via a browser:

docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ initial_setup

This command will create the necessary database structure, create a super-user account and adjust internal settings as needed. Once complete you can access your Kiwi TCMS instance via https://localhost (community edition) or https://kiwi-tenants-domain (enterprise edition).


In the command docker exec the option -i keeps STDIN open even if not attached while -t allocates a pseudo-TTY. They are suitable when executed on a terminal by a person. When used in automated scripts -t often needs to be removed! For more information about docker exec see


To upgrade running Kiwi TCMS containers execute the following commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker compose down
# !!! docker tag to keep older image version on the machine
docker compose pull # to fetch latest versions from Docker Hub
docker compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade


Always make sure that you execute upgrade and that it doesn’t report any errors. This ensures that your database schema has been altered to match the structure which is expected by the latest version of Kiwi TCMS! After an upgrade is performed docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ showmigrations should always report that all migrations have been applied!


Version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to Kiwi TCMS subscribers! When you execute docker pull above you will lose the older image version which could make it impossible to revert back in case the upgrade fails. Use docker tag before docker pull in order to keep a reference to the older Kiwi TCMS image!


Uploads and database data should stay intact because they are split into separate volumes which makes upgrading very easy. Always backup before upgrading!

Kiwi TCMS recommends that you test the upgrade on a staging server first in order to minimize the risk of migration failures! You should pay special attention to the DB section changelog entries for every release!

SSL configuration

By default Kiwi TCMS is served via HTTPS. The connection is secured by a self-signed certificate which if valid for 10 years and contains the following properties:

CN = container-layer-hash-id
OU = Quality Engineering
O = Kiwi TCMS
L = Sofia
C = BG

The certificate authority file is available at https://localhost/static/ca.crt! You may distribute this file to all browsers who are going to access the running Kiwi TCMS instance.

If you want to use different SSL certificate you need to update the localhost.key and localhost.crt files located under /Kiwi/ssl/ or bind-mount your own SSL directory to /Kiwi/ssl inside the docker container!

More information about generating your own self-signed certificates can be found at


Kiwi TCMS will issue a warning if the connection is not secured by SSL!!!

Added in version 10.4.

Reverse proxy SSL

Sometimes you may want to serve Kiwi TCMS behind a reverse proxy which will also handle SSL termination. For example we serve, and a few other instances through Nginx. For all of these domains the browser will see a wildcard SSL certificate for *, while the individual docker containers are still configured with the default self-signed certificate (that is the connection between Nginx and the docker container)! Here’s how the configuration looks like:

http {
    # default ssl certificates for *
    ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/wildcard_kiwitcms_org.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/wildcard_kiwitcms_org.key;

    # default proxy settings
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

    server {
        listen 8080;

        location / {
            return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

    server {
        listen 8443 ssl;

        location / {
            proxy_pass https://tenant_kiwitcms_org_web:8443;

Here is an equivalent configuration for HAProxy:

frontend front_http
    bind *:8080
    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
    redirect scheme https code 301

frontend front_https
    # default ssl certificates for *
    bind *:8443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/
    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https

    acl kiwitcms hdr(host) -i
    use_backend back_kiwitcms if kiwitcms

backend back_kiwitcms
    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https

    # some security tweaks
    rspadd Strict-Transport-Security:\ max-age=15768000
    rspadd X-XSS-Protection:\ 1;\ mode=block

    # do not verify the self-signed cert
    server kiwi_web tenant_kiwitcms_org_web:8443 ssl verify none

Enable plain text HTTP access

Kiwi TCMS container always enforces HTTPS connections, by redirecting HTTP (80) requests to HTTPS (443)!


This behavior may no longer be deactivated via the KIWI_DONT_ENFORCE_HTTPS environment variable!

Removed in version 12.0.


You can override any default settings provided by tcms/settings/ by editing docker-compose.yml:

  • Mount the host file inside the running container under ../tcms/settings/:

        - uploads:/Kiwi/uploads
        - ./

    If this file exists it is imported before any of the files under tcms_settings_dir/!

Added in version 8.1.

Changed in version 8.2.

  • Mount multiple override .py files under ../site-packages/tcms_settings_dir/:

        - uploads:/Kiwi/uploads
        - ./my_settings_dir/
        - ./my_settings_dir/


    Filenames under my_settings_dir/ must be valid Python module names, in other words you should be able to import them!

    Modules under my_settings_dir/ are sorted alphabetically before being imported! For a directory structure which lools like this:


    the import order is django_social_auth, email_config, multi_tenant! is skipped but it must be present to indicate Python can import modules from this directory!


    Starting from Kiwi TCMS v8.2 the file must contain:

    __path__ = __import__('pkgutil').extend_path(__path__, __name__)

    and nothing else if you want to mount the entire my_settings_dir directly! This is because tcms_settings_dir is now treated as a pkgutil-style namespace package and is provided by default when installing Kiwi TCMS! This allows plugins and downstream override packages to install settings files into this directory!

For more information about what each setting means see Kiwi TCMS configuration settings.


Some older versions of docker do not allow mounting of files between the host and the container, they only allow mounting directories and volumes. The stock docker versions on CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 do this. You may see an error similar to:

ERROR: for kiwi_web Cannot start service web:
OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348:
starting container process caused “process_linux.go:402:
container init caused “rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting

“/root/kiwi/” to rootfs “/var/lib/docker/overlay2 ….

In this case you will either have to upgrade your docker version or COPY the desired files and rebuild the docker image!

Customized docker image

You can build your own customized version of Kiwi TCMS by adjusting the contents of Dockerfile and then:

make docker-image


Make sure to modify Makefile and docker-compose.yml to use your customized image name instead the default kiwitcms/kiwi:latest!


Modifying the default Dockerfile directly is not recommended because it is kept under version control and will start conflicting the next time you do git pull. It is also not a very good idea to deploy an image built directly from the master branch.

The proper way to create a downstream docker image is to provide a Dockerfile.myorg which inherits FROM kiwitcms/kiwi:latest and adds your changes as separate layers! Ideally you will keep this into another git repository together with a Makefile and possibly your customized docker-compose.yml.


The Kiwi TCMS container will print HTTPD logs on STDOUT!


You must start the containers in the foreground with docker compose up, e.g. without the -d option in order to see their logs or use docker container logs [-f|--tail 1000] kiwi_web!

In case you see a 500 Internal Server Error page and the error log does not provide a traceback you should configure the DEBUG setting to True and restart the docker container. If your changes are picked up correctly you should see an error page with detailed information about the error instead of the default 500 error page.

When reporting issues please copy the relevant traceback as plain text into your reports!